Scratchpads of Projects in Specific Biogeographic Regions

Hi Everyone! 

Here you can find some Scratchpads of Projects in Specific Biogeographic Regions. This is the fifth part of my posts about Scratchpads. 
If you want to:
  1. know what is Scratchpad. Visit my post or the official webpage.
  2. See a summary of Scratchpads go the post:
Hola a todos!
Aquí usted puede encontrar algunos Scratchpads de proyectos de regiones biogeográficas específicas. Esta es el quinto post que publico acerca de Scratchpad.

Biodiversity of Piauí & Ceará | Biodiversidade de Piauí & Ceará

BIONOSET is to disseminate information on the biodiversity, ecology and conservation of ecosystems in Northeast Brazil, especially in the States of Piauí and Ceará.

NEW PUBLICATION!  Click on this link to download the new book on the Biodiversity of the Parnaíba Delta, Piauí 
BIONOSET contribui para a disseminação de informações sobre a biodiversidade, ecologia e conservação de ecossistemas do Nordeste do Brasil, em especial nos Estados de Piauí e Ceará.
NOVIDADE! Clicar neste link para fazer o download do novo livro sobre a Biodiversidade do Delta do Parnaíba, Piauí
BIONOSET contribuye a la diseminación de información sobre la biodiversidad, ecología y conservación de los ecosistemas del Nordeste de Brasil, en especial en los Estados de Piauí y Ceará.
¡NUEVA PUBLICACIÓN! De click en éste link para descargar el nuevo libro sobre la Biodiversidad del Delta de Parnaíba, Piauí

Flora of Costa Rica

This website was created with the aim to share information about the Flora of Costa Rica.
Este sitio fue creado con el fin de compartir información acerca de la Flora de Costa Rica.

The Reserva Ecológica Bijagual is located on the Atlantic slope of Costa Rica 15 kilometers southwest of the town of Puerto Viejo de Sarapiquí. The 286 hectare reserve contains many habitats including old-growth and selectively-logged forests; native and exotic tree plantations; abandoned pasture; and hydrological features including swamps, springs, streams, and rivers.  Cataloging the biodiversity of the Reserve has documented around 30% of the bird species of Costa Rica, more than 70 mammal species, and about 100 species of fish, reptiles and amphibians. We estimate there are 2000 species of vascular plants in the Reserve. The purpose of this Scratchpad is to organize and present the biodiversity data from the Reserve for use by students, researchers, members of the public, and our staff.
La Reserva Ecológica Bijagual se encuentra en la vertiente atlántica de Costa Rica 15 kilometros al suroeste de la ciudad de Puerto Viejo de Sarapiquí. La reserva de 286 hectáreas contiene muchos hábitats, incluyendo bosques de edad madura y bosques talados de manera selectiva; plantaciones nativas y exóticas de árboles; pastizales abandonados; y características hidrológicas incluyendo pantanos, manantiales, arroyos y ríos. La catalogación de la biodiversidad de la Reserva ha documentado alrededor de 30% de las especies de aves de Costa Rica, más de 70 especies de mamíferos y unas 100 especies de peces, reptiles y anfibios. Estimamos que hay 2.000 especies de plantas vasculares en la Reserva. El propósito de este Scratchpad es organizar y presentar los datos de biodiversidad de la Reserva para uso de los estudiantes, investigadores, miembros del público, y nuestro personal.

Lichens - stable, mutualistic associations of fungi and algae - are well-represented in tropical areas. Bermuda is home to many Caribbean lichen species, and thus provides a useful gateway for lichenological exploration of the neighboring Greater and Lesser Antilles.
The primary objective of this site is to document and explore the diversity of Bermudian lichens, as well as the fungi which parasitize them (lichenicolous fungi). As our investigation of the Bermudian lichen flora continues, taxonomic and nomenclatural questions arise which affect a wider audience. This site provides a forum for discussion of these questions. You are invited to register and contribute to the taxonomy of Caribbean and neotropical lichens species. Discover the power of lichen cybertaxonomy!
Los líquenes - Asociaciones estables, mutualistas de hongos y algas - están bien representados en las zonas tropicales. Bermudas es el hogar de muchas especies de líquenes del Caribe, y por lo tanto proporciona una entrada útil para la exploración liquenológica de las vecinas Antillas Mayores y Menores. El objetivo principal de este sitio es documentar y explorar la diversidad de líquenes de las Bermudas, así como los hongos que los parasitan (hongos liquenícola). A medida que continúa nuestra investigación de la flora de líquenes de las Bermudas, surgen preguntas sobre taxonomía y nomenclatura que afectan a un público más amplio. Este sitio ofrece un foro para la discusión de estas cuestiones. Usted está invitado a registrarse y contribuir a la taxonomía de las especies del Caribe y líquenes neotropicales. Descubra el poder de la cibertaxonomía sobre liquenes!
Scientific interactions across disciplines and taxa
Network for Neotropical Biogeography

Tropical America – the Neotropics – is the most species-rich region on Earth. Understanding the mechanisms underlying the historical assembly and evolution of this extreme biodiversity constitutes a major challenge in biology, and will require hitherto unrealized inter-disciplinary scientific collaboration.

The primary goals of this network are to: 1) Promote scientific interaction; 2) Stimulate the exchange of material, students and researchers; 3) Increase inter-disciplinarity between different fields; 4) Discuss and plan joint projects and grant applications; 5) Stimulate collaborative field work and reciprocal help with field collection of research material; 6) Inform on upcoming events, recent papers and other relevant material.

América Tropical - el Neotrópico - es la región más rica en especies en la Tierra. La comprensión de los mecanismos subyacentes al ensamblaje histórico y la evolución de esta biodiversidad extrema constituyen un reto importante en la biología, y requerirá una colaboración científica interdisciplinaria hasta ahora no realizada. 

Los objetivos principales de esta red son: 1) Promover la interacción científica; 2) Estimular el intercambio de materiales, estudiantes e investigadores; 3) Aumentar la interdisciplinariedad entre los diferentes campos; 4) Discutir y planificar proyectos conjuntos y solicitudes de subvención; 5) Estimular el trabajo de campo colaborativo y la ayuda mutua con colecatas en campo de material de investigación; 6) Informar sobre los próximos eventos, documentos recientes y otros materiales pertinentes.

Neotropical Flowering Plants
Latin American Malvaceae - Malvoideae

This is a dig deeper resource linked with the Interactive Key to Latin American Malvoideae
The site is developed by the Tropical America team at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Nic Biggs, Sara Edwards, Sue Frisby & Bente Klitgaard.
Este es un recurso conectado con la clave interactiva para las Malvoideae de Latinoamérica
El sitio es desarrollado por el equipo de América Tropical del Real Jardín Botánico, Kew. 
Nic Biggs, Sara Edwards, Sue Frisby & Bente Klitgaard.

The Neotropical Biodiversity Mapping Initiative (NeoMaps) proposes a model for establishing biodiversity monitoring programs in Neotropical countries.

Currently NeoMaps is being tested for the monitoring of birds, butterflies and dung beetles in Venezuela. We focus in the analysis of distribution (occupancy), abundance and composition at local, regional and national scales.

NeoMaps guidelines are to:
  • Generate comparable data
  • Minimize sampling effort to cover large geographical scales in a short period of time.
  • Build and strenghten regional capacity
  • guarantee factibility, repeatability and scientific rigour in all methods
  • repeat samples regularly to be able to detect trends
Between 2001 and 2005 we developed protocols for sampling and observing butterflies, dung beetles and birds. Between 2006 and 2010 we completed the first national surveys for this groups. With 2000 sampling points in more than 40 regions, and over 1000 species detected, NeoMaps can be considered the largest simultaneous and systematic survey for any Neotropical country, and we hope to provided base line data for future distribution and abundance analysis of indicator taxa in Venezuela.

La Iniciativa de Mapeo de la Biodiversidad Neotropical (NeoMaps) propone un modelo para el establecimiento de programas de monitoreo de la biodiversidad en los países neotropicales. Actualmente NeoMaps está siendo probado para el seguimiento de aves, mariposas y escarabajos peloteros en Venezuela. Nos centramos en el análisis de la distribución (ocupación), abundancia y composición a escala local, regional y nacional. 
Las directrices de NeoMaps son: 
  • Generar datos comparables, 
  • Minimizar el esfuerzo de muestreo para cubrir grandes escalas geográficas en un corto período de tiempo. 
  • Construir y fortalecer la capacidad regional.
  • Garantizar la factibilidad, repetibilidad y rigor científico en todos los métodos. 
  • Repetir censos regularmente para poder detectar tendencias 
Entre 2001 y 2005 hemos desarrollado protocolos para la toma de muestras y observación de mariposas, escarabajos del estiércol y aves. Entre 2006 y 2010 hemos completado los primeras censos nacionales de estos grupos. Con 2000 puntos de muestreo en más de 40 regiones, y más de 1.000 especies detectadas, NeoMaps pueden considerarse la mayor censo simultáneo y sistemático de cualquier país Neotropical, y esperamos proporcionar los datos de la línea base para el futuro análisis de distribución y abundancia de los taxones indicadores en Venezuela.
This site highlights pollination systems in the New World, with a focus on bat and bird pollination in Andean cloud forests.
Este sitio resalta los sistemas de polinización en el nuevo mundo, con un énfasis en la polinización realizada por murciélagos y aves en los bosques de niebla de los andes. 
Raising awareness of the diversity, fragility and beauty of the flora of this threatened habitat.
Llamando la atención sobre la diversidad, fragilidad y belleza de la flora de este hábitat amenazado.

Este es un sitio sobre las mirtáceas que crecen en Chile. La información en esta página incluye taxonomía, sistemática, anatomía, ecología y otros aspectos de estas especies. De todas formas, todos los datos relacionados a la familia Myrtaceae serán bien recibidos.
This is a website about the family Myrtaceae in Chile. Information in this page regards taxonomy, systematics, anatomy, ecology and other aspects of species of Myrtaceae occurring in Chile. However, data from other Myrtaceae are also welcome. 
Feel free to contribute, help or share this page.

Esta página é dedicada aos Liquens Brasileiros. Com ela pretendemos divulgar mais este importante grupo de seres vivos, ainda pouco conhecido em nosso país. 
Há alguns anos atrás, publicamos um pequeno texto com alguns aspectos gerais sobre liquens ( Pretendemos ampliá-lo, porém este é um processo demorado. Nossa ideia é ir adicionando aos poucos conteúdo e imagens a esta página. 
Há outras páginas que seguem a mesma ideia, sobre os liquens do Mato Grosso do Sul (, e sobreParmotrema ( 
E se você que vendo esta página for liquenólogo, e quiser colaborar, junte-se a nós!

The Brazilian Lichens are a very important and diverse group that need your attention!
¡Los líquenes brasileños son un grupo muy diverso e importante que necesita tu atención!
Supported in part by funding from the Biodiversity Synthesis Center of the Encyclopedia of Life.
Patrocinado en parte con recursos del Centro de Sintesis de Biodiversidad de la Enciclopedia de la Vida.

The ecology of hemiepiphytes is very poorly understood. More appalling is the lack of information on hemiepiphyte vital rates and demography. Such information is essential to understand the ecology, management and conservation of this group that is an important component of tropical forest. Here, I aimed to fill some of these gaps in knowledge on hemiepiphyte ecology. I studied three sympatric secondary hemiepiphyte of the genusHeteropsis in the Colombian Amazon.
La ecología de las hemiepífitas es muy poco conocida. Más terrible es la falta de información sobre la demografía y las tasas vitales de las hemiepífitas. Esta información es esencial para entender la ecología, manejo y conservación de este grupo que es un componente importante de los bosques tropicales. Aquí, intento llenar algunos de estos vacíos en el conocimiento sobre la ecología de las hemiepífitas. Estudié tres hemiepífitas simpátrica secundarias del genus Heteropsis en la Amazonía colombiana.

Vascular plant species endemic to Trinidad and Tobago and their conservation status.
The flora of Trinidad and Tobago, a 5,126 km2 Caribbean twin island nation, is estimated to include 2,500 vascular plant species. Both islands lie on the South American Continental Shelf. Tobago was separated from the South American continent c. 13,000 years ago, and Trinidad possibly only 1,500 years ago.
In Trinidad and Tobago, 3% of all vascular plant species are endemic. The length of time Trinidad and Tobago have been separated from the mainland is too short for island endemism to have developed to the same extent as on an oceanic island such as Jamaica (MacArthur, 1972). 

Using current IUCN criteria, 58% of the 59 endemic species were categorized as Endangered or Critically Endangered. These must be considered as priority species for conservation, and further research of their population status is urgently needed. The 22 species not collected for several decades or known only from type collections are priority species for assessment of distribution and population status, and urgently need to be relocated in their respective locations. In addition, all species should be surveyed for presence in protected areas and should be inventoried in any environmental impact assessments.

Especies de plantas vasculares endémicas de Trinidad y Tobago, y su estado de conservación. 
La flora de Trinidad y Tobago, una nación de islas gemelas del Caribe de 5.126 km2, se estima que tiene 2.500 especies de plantas vasculares. Ambas islas se encuentran en la plataforma continental de América del Sur. Tobago se separó del continente sudamericano c. Hace 13.000 años, y Trinidad posiblemente hace sólo 1.500 años. 
En Trinidad y Tobago, el 3% de todas las especies de plantas vasculares son endémicas. La cantidad de tiempo en que Trinidad y Tobago se separaron del continente es demasiado corta para que el endemismo isleño se haya desarrollado en la misma medida que en una isla oceánica como Jamaica (MacArthur, 1972). 
Usando criterios de la UICN actuales, el 58% de las 59 especies endémicas se clasificaron como En Peligro o En Peligro Crítico. Éstas se deben considerar como especies prioritarias para la conservación, y se necesita urgentemente más investigación acerca del estado de su población. Las 22 especies no colectadas durante varias décadas o conocidas sólo de colecciones tipo son especies prioritarias para la evaluación de la distribución y el estado de la población, y necesitan urgentemente ser reubicadas en sus respectivos lugares. Además, todas las especies, deben ser reconocidos por la presencia en las áreas protegidas y deben ser inventariados en las evaluaciones de impacto ambiental.


Grasses of Australia
AusGrass2 builds on the foundation of AusGrass (Sharp & Simon 2002) from data maintained in DELTA format, one for species and infra-specific taxa and another for genera. New features in AusGrass2 are Australian grass literature references, references to Australian illustrations, basionyms and protologue information and derivation of species names (Clifford & Bostock 2007). There is an update of all dichotomous keys. Information is constantly revised as feedback is received by users.

Welcome to Ferns of Western Australia! This scratchpad (and its sister Gymnosperms of Western Australia) have been populated by second and third year students in the School of Natural Sciences, Edith Cowan University. Students create content as an assessment activity in the unit of study called SCB2423 Plant Diversity. The unit focuses on the evolutionary diversity of plants, their relationships to plant-like protists and to fungi, and has a distinct focus on the fantastically diverse flora of Western Australia.
Please note: All items and collations of external materials published on this site have been placed voluntarily by the students who produced the work. Students may elect to keep their work private, in accordance with assessment requirements. No information about marks or grades is available on this site.

The Austral Bioregionalisation Atlas (ABA) aims to be a repository of all names and maps used to describe and depict phytogeographical, zoogeographical, freshwater zoogeographical and marine areas within the Austral region. Each area has a dedicated page that contains synonymies, a diagnosis, description, type-locality and a map of the area. Area names are synonymised according to the International Code of Area Nomenclature (ICAN) in order to distinguish it from other uses of the same term. For further news on further developments and updates, visit our blog.

Presently the ABA is limited to Australia and is taken from Ebach et al. (2013a) Zootaxa 3619: 315-342 [open access]. Corrigendum (Ebach et al. 2013b) Zootaxa 3652: 299-300 [open access].

The ABA is funded by the University of New South Wales, Australia and supported under the Australian Research Council's ‘Future Fellow’ funding scheme (project number FT0992002).
Palms of New Guinea
This is a placeholder site for a project on the Palms of New Guinea.


Manual of the Alien Plants of Belgium

Manual of the Alien Plants of Belgium
Website to communicate information on introduced plants that grow wild in Belgium.

Fungi of Great Britain and Ireland.

This website provides basic knowledge for identification of fungi (both lichenized and non-lichenized), and information about occurrence, associations and conservation. 

The European Network of Palm Scientists (EUNOPS) is an informal association of biologists with a wide spectrum of research interests in palms (Arecaceae or Palmae). The network, established in 2001, exists to facilitate exchange of information on palm research taking place in Europe, and to promote integration and collaboration. EUNOPS meetings have been held annually since the network's inception providing a regular forum for face-to-face discussions and research presentations. The meetings have taken place at different European venues each year and have a strong emphasis on student/postdoctoral research and lively debate. 

EUNOPS and its meetings are not exclusive to European researchers - researchers from any part of the globe are extremely welcome to participate. For more information, please explore this site or contact palms (at)

Thyme plants of SE Europe

Our Aim: To support a Virtual Research Community with interest in the group of Thymus L. (thyme) plants. 
Our objectives: 
  • To establish a solid reference platform for Botanists working on the genus Thymus in SE Europe 
  • To facilitate other researchers working with thyme plants 
  • To provide a knowledge based source of information to potential stakeholders and the general public 
If you have data to contribute or comments about existing data please register as a user to this site. 
We aim at sustaining a vivid community on thyme plants of SE Europe and appreciate any contributions towards this end. 
Northern Spain Endemic Flora
The purpose of this project is to develop an ex situ plant conservation programme for the Cantabrian territory and Pyrenees. The project will cover 400 priority plant species (endemic, threatened, protected and rare) and seeds of keystone species of Habitats of Community Interest (threatened at European level).

Seeds of 400 species will be collected and stored, and germination and cultivation protocols of key species will be developed, in order to have plant material available for restoration projects and for public display in botanical gardens. In addition, plant population data will be collected that would help with monitoring their conservation status within the framework of climate change and the impact of human activity.

The purpose of this website is to inform about the activities of WESTPYR, an ex situ conservation programme of Pyrenees-Cantabrian range plant diversity, specially the flora of the western Pyrenees. This programme has been developed by the Society of Sciences Aranzadi and the Millenium Seed Bank – Royal Botanic Gardens Kew.
WESTPYR is part of a wider project called CANTABROPYRENAICAE ( We are working in the development of this project with Atlantic Botanic Garden of Gijon and Botanic Garden of Olarizu (Vitoria-Gasteiz, Basque Country).
Our website is currently under construction. Please come back soon.
You are welcomed to this site wich is intended to explore and keep updated the Flora of the Picos de Europa National Park.

Seaweed Collections Online
Welcome to our project which aims to gather, analyse and share data on the seaweed species of the British Isles by mobilising collections data from a network of national and regional museums.

Genus Aconitum L. (Ranunculaceae) in Slovakia
The aim of this site is to introduce the results of investigation of chorology, taxonomy and morphology of genus Aconitum L. in flora of Slovakia.
The research was carried our in November 2012 - January 2013 and based on study of herbarium material which is deposited in SAV, BRA, SLO, NI, ZV, KO and TNP. In total about 3.000 specimens were elaborated and 994 of them were included in main database. As well as phenetic study has been conducted using 453 best saved specimens.

The genus Aconitum in world flora includes about 300 species of herbaceous plants, most of which are not only poisonous but also endangered rare species. These genus is known as a one of the difficult taxonomical group and a number of taxa inside them have debatable and controversial character. To solve the problems of genus systematics adoption of new methods of taxonomy are necessary.
Current investigations have been supported by SAIA, n.o. grant No 2957

Welcome to London Fungi Recording, a site maintained by Andy Overall, group leader of the London Fungus Group, affiliated with the British Mycological Society.
At a time when our green spaces and woodlands are resource limited the task of collecting scientific data about the health of the environment, the impact of global warming and the introduction of new species falls to the expertise of ecological volunteers and enthusiasts. The site is specifically dedicated to fungi and is available to mycologists and field mycologists to log a record of their findings from in and around the Greater London area.
If you are a fungi expert or field mycologist please contact Andy Overall at for access to this site. We welcome your input!

Un outil dicisif vers l'identification des plantes africaines
Plants are an essential resource for human well being. They are essential for food and the development of agriculture, medicine, construction, and the ecosystem services which sustain our lives, including soil protection, water retention and the recycling of nutrients such as carbon and nitrogen. Great amounts of information on plants and their uses exist, but unless the name of a plant is known, then finding that information is impossible. Without being able to identify a plant and attach a name to it we cannot sustainably use, manage or conserve that plant effectively. Plant identification is also increasingly important in monitoring the effects of climate change. This project seeks to build an interactive, user-friendly, widely accessible tool which will facilitate identification of African plant genera: the first step in synthesising knowledge from dispersed information held in disparate sources.
Vascular Plants of the Dzanga-Sangha Reserve
Welcome to this website on the vascular plants of the Dzanga-Sangha area in the Central African Republic.  The information on this website comes from the publication Harris D.J. (2002)  The vascular plants of the Dzanga-Sangha Reserve, Central African Republic. Scripta Botanica Belgica 23:1-274.
L’intérêt d’étudier les champignons et plantes en République du Congo (Brazzaville) est encore immense. Ceci s’explique par le simple fait qu’il n’y a pas encore de documents disponibles en mycologie tout comme en botanique faisant état de la diversité fongique et floristique de tout le pays. Pourtant, il y a environ 60% du territoire national couvert de forêts qui font partie du Bassin du Congo qui a une importance mondiale étant que deuxième poumon écologique après l’Amazonie. Ce qui devrait représenter un avantage particulier en vue de la connaissance des différentes espèces qui composent cette forêt et pourquoi pas aussi celles des savanes.
Les champignons du Congo sont encore très mal connus malgré la richesse spécifique des différentes formations végétales de ce pays. Pourtant les populations locales ont de très bonnes connaissances des espèces qui sont consommées localement ou même acheminées vers les marchés des grandes villes. Au plan scientifique, il n’y a pas des guides locaux pour l'identification des espèces fongiques de notre pays.
Dans le domaine des plantes, par contre, certaines informations sont disponibles mais de façon très éparse. Il n’existe pas encore une Flore du Congo Brazzaville qui puisse mettre ensemble les différentes plantes du pays comme c’est le cas de certains pays limitrophes comme le Gabon et au Cameroun où il y a la Flore du Gabon et la Flore du Cameroun.
La tâche est encore énorme.

 The Rubiaceae of Tropical África  

The need for further research on the Rubiaceae is crutial. Great progress is being made with molecular systematic for the classification of Rubiaceae. There are numerous unresolved generic and species complexes, several hundred undescribed species. The need for basic taxonomic knowledge is heightened by habitat destruction in the tropics.
Our taxonomic knowledge of African Rubiaceae has been improving over the years. The goal of this web page is to provide a platform to share and disseminate taxonomical data (publications, silica gel material, photos, etc) as it becomes available.
The Palms of Africa displays information of African palms such as taxonomy, photos and videos, as well as information on uses and trade. The website will gather this information via ongoing projects, thus it is a work in progress. Please also refer to the main palm website: palmweb
The accepted names, species numbers and descriptions follow Stauffer et al. 2014 and Genera Palmarum
All photos can be used, but the scratchpad must be cited accordingly as main source with name of photo author (always indicated). 
(Couvreur, TLP, Palms of Africa, accessed at, on "put date").

Welcome to the South African Poaceae scratchpad. 
This site contains systematic information on the South African Poaceae taxa.
This site is maintained by the Wet Tropics Africa team at the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, as a taxonomic resource for Passifloraceae from the Western regions of Africa

Ethiopia is a country with great geographic diversity. its topographic features range from the highest peaks at Ras Dashen, 4,550m above sea level down to the Afar depression, 110m below sea level. The climatic conditions are as varied as its topography, with temperatures of 47 degrees Celsius in the Afar depression to 10 degrees in the Highlands. The south western parts of the country are the wettest, with the heaviest rainfall - 1,550mm (MAR) with only two or three dry months each year. Rainfall decreases gradually towards the northeastern and east of the country.
The flora of Ethiopia is incredibly diverse, with an estimated 6,500 - 7,000 species of higher plants, of which 12% endemism. Similarly, there are 240 mammal species, 845 bird species (of which 22 & 24 are endemic respectively) and it has the largest livestock population in Africa. Agriculture and forestry account for 54% of GDP, employing ca.80% of the population. These two industries also account for 90% of exports and supplies over 90% of the raw materials for the agro-industries. 

To provide information on the trees from the north of the Republic of Congo.


Arctic Flora of Canada and Alaska
The Arctic Flora of Canada and Alaska project aims to produce a new flora for all vascular plants in the Arctic ecozone in Canada and northern Alaska. We are using this Scratchpad website to move the Flora beyond traditional standards, and to produce a treatment that is digital and interactive, taking full advantage of current (and future) web and database technologies. The Arctic Flora will eventually serve as the reference for anybody who requires accurate and up-to-date information on Arctic plant species, needs or wants to identify Arctic plants in the field or herbarium, or wants to know a little bit more about the amazing plant biodiversity in one of North America's most climate-threatened ecosystems. This site will be updated with Flora content on an ongoing basis.
This project is a collaborative project between The New York Botanical Garden and the Westchester Land Trust that was established in the spring of 2013. Our long-term goal is to make specimen-based inventories of the fungi, mosses, ferns, lycopods, and flowering plants so that visitors to the preserve can learn as well as enjoy the plants and fungi found there. Click here to see a video showing how we are carrying out our inventory of the fungi of the preserve.
The Flora and Mycota of the Zofnass Family Preserve includes the area encompassed by the Westchester Wilderness Walk.

The goal of this project is to create within the Encyclopedia of Life rich and useful content for plant species commonly found in the urban environment of New York City. The current goal is to have around 500 species covered by July 2013, focusing on commonly encountered plants in New York City’s urban flora, including those being actively planted in restoration efforts and invasive plants that often thrive in the urban habitat. Content is harvested by the EOL once a week. There's always something new here, so check back often. Your contributions will be greatly appreciated!

The genus Quercus (Fagaceae) is an ecologically important component of forest and perennial ecosystems throughout the northern hemisphere, with approximately 415 species worldwide and approximately 255 in the New World alone. All of the oaks of the western hemisphere form a single clade comprised of three distinct lineages, sections Lobatae (red or black oaks), Quercus (white oaks, which also includes the small Eurasian white oak clade), and Protobalanus (golden-cup oaks). The Oaks of the Americas Scratchpad is focused on the diversity of these three clades, with additional information onQuercus outside of these clades included opportunistically. If you have questions about this site, please contact Andrew Hipp(The Morton Arboretum).
This work is support in part by National Science Foundation (Awards DEB 1146488 to The Morton Arboretum, 1146432 to Notre Dame University, 1146380 to University of Minnesota, and 1146102 to Duke University).


IBIS-Flora Beta Version

Angiosperm Flora of India

IBIS – Flora, a first of its kind portal, caters to users with an extensive database carrying information of a total of 21,764 species, 515 subspecies, 2,514 varieties, 4 sub varieties and 58 forma belonging to 3,667 genera, 271 families and 50 orders of APG III. Around 95,161 synonyms have been compiled of which 40,000 come from numerous Indian literatures while the others are from international open access sources. IBIS-Flora contains distribution maps for 14,899 species and has more than 65,000 Bibliography from regional Flora. The Portal also offers details such as place of publication of angiosperms, abbreviated names of authors,  names as per the international standards and a centralized repository of bibliography of more than 1, 65, 000 citations, covering major publications from India and world across. Further IBIS-Flora has records of photographs, book excerpts, databases like IUCN, NCBI, Biodiversity heritage library and results from search engines like ReFindit. The prime aim of collating this information is to provide baseline data for the Flora of India and to enhance the understanding of amateurs and enthusiasts on biodiversity and its conservation related issues.
This site provides a guide to the common animals and plants to be found along the shores of the Andaman coast of Thailand.

Ferns of Sulawesi
Ferns of Sulawesi presents a checklist for the Pteridophytes of the Indonesian island Sulawesi.
It is an ongoing project, and we welcome any contributions, in whatever form.
If you want to contribute, you may request an account by following the instruction here


This is an internet portal developed from the treatment of the palm family for Flora of Thailand (Barfod and Dransfield 2013).  It should be considered an on-line facility that can offer information beyond the paper version of the flora such as palm images and citations of geo-references specimens.
Major sources of information on palms are as follows:
  • – an expanding resource that provides a vast amount of reliable information on palm taxonomy and nomenclature
  • Govaerts, R. and J. Dransfield 2005. World Checklist of Palms. Kew Publishing. The Checklist is constantly updated and can be accessed on line at 
  • Dransfield, J., N.W. Uhl, C. Asmussen, W.J. Baker, M.M. Harley and C. Lewis. 2008. Genera Palmarum. The evolution and classification of palms (Genera Palmarum ed. 2.) Kew Publishing.
  •  An interactive glossary of palm terms based on the printed glossary in Genera Palmarum ed. 2
This website provides a checklist of the lichens currently reported from Vietnam. The checklist is based on records from past and recent publications as well as yet-to-be published collections. In its current stage, the checklist is far from being exhaustive, but we hope to engage lichen enthusiasts in improving our knowledge of the lichen flora of Vietnam.
Wild cinnamon of Borneo
A resourse on the wild cinnamon of Borneo and adjacent localities

This shall be the future home of Seagrasses in Taiwan where participants will edit and maintain their classification, upload images, maintain bibliographic resources, among other activities.
The new Administrator of this site and his or her team of contributors will soon make this their home, so please visit often.

The Tongan archipelago is a group of 150 or more islands and islets of volcanic and coral formation. Of these, only a relatively small number are sufficiently large or topographically suitable for plantations adequate to support populations of any size. Most of the islands are arranged in three main, roughly circumscribed, areas situated in the southern, central, and northern parts of the archipelago known as the Tongatapu, Ha'apai, and Vava'u groups respectively. The islands of these three groups are arranged in two roughly parallel lines from slightly southwest to northeast in the south Pacific Ocean between 15° and 23° south latitude and 173° and 177° west longitude. To the north, and somewhat remote from the northern Vava'u group, lie the volcanic islands of Niuafo'ou, Tafahi, and Niuatoputapu (Keppel).

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