Hi Everyone!
Here you can find some Scratchpads organized by taxonomic groups. This is the third part of my posts about Scratchpads and includes only Eudicots.
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Aquí usted puede encontrar algunos Scratchpads organizados por grupos taxonómicos. Esta es la tercera parte e incluye sólo eudicotiledoneas.
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- know what is Scratchpad. Visit my post or the official webpage.
- See a summary of Scratchpads go the post:
Si quiere:
- Saber que es Scratchpad. Visite mi post al respecto o la página web oficial.
- Ver una recopilación de Scratchpads vaya al sitio que le llame la atención:
This webpage will contain information on the family Aizoaceae, its phylogeny, its biogeography, and its species.
Esta página contendrá información de la familia Aizoaceae, su filogenia, su biogeografía y sus especies.
The aim of this site is to introduce the results of investigation of chorology, taxonomy and morphology of genus Aconitum L. in flora of Slovakia.
The research was carried our in November 2012 - January 2013 and based on study of herbarium material which is deposited in SAV, BRA, SLO, NI, ZV, KO and TNP. In total about 3.000 specimens were elaborated and 994 of them were included in main database. As well as phenetic study has been conducted using 453 best saved specimens.
The genus Aconitum in world flora includes about 300 species of herbaceous plants, most of which are not only poisonous but also endangered rare species. These genus is known as a one of the difficult taxonomical group and a number of taxa inside them have debatable and controversial character. To solve the problems of genus systematics adoption of new methods of taxonomy are necessary.
Current investigations have been supported by SAIA.
El objetivo de este sitio es dar a conocer los resultados de la investigación de la corología, taxonomía y morfología del género Aconitum L. en la flora de Eslovaquia.
La investigación se realizó desde noviembre del 2012 a enero del 2013 y se basó en el estudio de material de herbario que se deposita en el SAV, BRA, SLO, NI, ZV, KO y TNP. En total unos 3.000 especímenes fueron examinados y 994 de ellos fueron incluidos en la base de datos principal. Así como el estudio fenético que se realizó utilizando los 453 especímenes mejor preservados.
El género Aconitum en la flora mundial incluye alrededor de 300 especies de plantas herbáceas, la mayoría de los cuales no sólo son venenosas, sino también son especies raras en peligro de extinción. Estos géneros se conocen como uno de los grupos taxonómicos más difíciles y un número de taxones dentro de ellos tienen carácter discutible y polémico. Son necesarios nuevos métodos de taxonomía para resolver los problemas taxonómicos del género. Las investigaciones actuales han sido apoyados por SAIA.
This N. suratensis Scratchpad is intended to be of benefit to research studies and conservation of the species. Content will be added as it becomes available.
The “Kanchanadit” colony is the only known remaining '100% genetically pure' colony of Nepenthes suratensis plants in the world! The natural habitat of these plants is now severely limited and has been significantly damaged due to agricultural development. Very few natural areas are thought to remain which would allow this species to self-propagate in large enough numbers and with a enough genetic diversity to allow for sustainable species persistence. Of extreme importance, current land development plans for this last known site call for a major construction project that will seriously imperil the continued existence of this species.
Este Scratchpad de N. suratensis pretende ser de beneficio para los estudios de investigación y conservación de la especie. El contenido será añadido a medida que esté disponible.
¡La colonia "Kanchanadit" es la el único remanente conocido de plantas de N. suratensis 100% puras genéticamente en el mundo! El hábitat natural de estas plantas está severamente limitado y se ha deteriorado considerablemente debido al desarrollo agrícola. Pocas áreas naturales se piensa que quedan. Lugares que permitirían a esta especie auto-propagarse en cantidades suficientes y con una diversidad genética suficiente para permitir la persistencia sostenible de las especies.
De extrema importancia, son los actuales planes de desarrollo territorial en este último sitio conocido, en donde se piensa establecer un proyecto de construcción grande que pondrá en peligro grave la existencia de esta especie.
This website is intended as a repository for information on the systematics of the genus Parodia. Currently, this project is conducted at the Institute of Systematic Botany, University of Zurich, Switzerland and at the Succulent Plant Collection of the City of Zurich, Switzerland.
Este sitio web se desarrolló con el objetivo de ser un repositorio de información acerca de la sistemática del género Parodia. Actualmente, este proyecto se desarrolla en el Instituto de Botánica Sistemática de la Universidad de Zurich, Suiza y en la Colección de plantas suculentas de la ciudad de Zurich, Suiza.
Portal for information about taxonomy, nomenclature, systematics, morphology, DNA sequences, phylogenetics, specimens (including images), and chorology of Sileneae taxa, in order to provide a revised classification of the group.
Portal de información sobre la taxonomía, nomenclatura, sistemática, morfología, secuencias genéticas, filogenética, especímenes (incluyendo imágenes), y corología de la taxa Sileneae, con el objetivo de proveer una clasificación revisada del grupo.
The purpose of this site is to facilitate collaboration and data sharing of the Erythroxylaceae Phylogeny and taxonomy, voucher data, morphological matrices, bibliographies, and images.
El propósito de este sitio es facilitar la colaboración y el intercambio de datos sobre la filogenia y taxonomía, datos de especímenes, matríces morfológicas, bibliografía e imágenes de la familia Erythroxylaceae.
A site dedicated to Hypericum – The St John’s Worts
Hypericum is a genus of 490 species of flowering plants in the family Hypericaceae. Hypericum includes St John’s Wort (H. perforatum L.), an economically important medicinal crop plant with demonstrated anti-viral, anti-depressive and anti-cancer properties. Many species are cultivated as ornamentals.
Hypericum is predominantly temperate in distribution, occurring only in montane areas of the tropics. It is one of the 100 largest genera of flowering plants, which collectively comprise an estimated 22% of angiosperm diversity. The species-level taxonomy of most of these genera is poorly known, presenting a substantial barrier to completing the global inventory and to understanding the evolution of the diversity they contain. Hypericum is a notable exception as a worldwide monograph of the genus was produced by Norman Robson in a series of papers between 1977 and 2012. The monograph is now being revised and the updated treatment of the genus forms the basis of this site. Please browse this classification via the Nomenclature tab.
Our aims are to provide a collection of useful information, identification tools and weblinks for the Malpighiales taxa, and to promote collaborative Malpighiales research.
We hope you enjoy the site.
With many thanks to Emma McLarnon (Kew, 2010 – 2011) and Andrew Budden (Kew) for development of the site structure.
This Scratchpad is on the species Onobrychis viciifolia, member of the Faboideae tribe and Fabaceae family of flowering plants. It is most commonly know by its vernacular name Sainfoin. In the past, Onobrychis viciifolia was highly regarded as an important foraging crop, due to its ability to fix its own nitrogen, thus enriching the soil. Although it is not in such cultivation now, due to agricultural intensification, it is an important species, which can be used in either organic or sustainable farming.
This species was chosen as its taxonomy has not fully been resolved. There has been much confusion as to whether the taxa named Onobrychis viciifolia is actually Onobrychis viciifoliaor rather misidentified subspecies. This study is part of module assessment for the MSc in Plant Diversity. It aims to look into the species nomenclature and perform statistical analysis using scored data ,collected from the herbarium sheets stored at Reading Herbarium. This will be collated in the form of a Scratchpad.
FigWeb is an online bioinformatics resource dealing with all aspects of the complex relationship that exists between figs (Ficus, Moraceae) and fig wasps (Hymenoptera), as well as the multitude of other associated organisms, from Wolbachiabacteria and nematode worms to frugivore primates. This obligate mutualism is a classic example of co-evolution between reciprocal partners in a plant-insect interaction with neither partner being able to reproduce without the other. Fig wasps are the sole pollinators of the approximate 750 species of figs in the world and in turn fig wasps can breed nowhere else but inside figs. Figs are keystone species in tropical ecosystems and an understanding of their ecology is essential for the future conservation of increasingly threatened habitats.
Over the last couple of decades major strides have been made towards elucidating the underlying evolutionary mechanisms driving and maintaining this mutualism, as well as unraveling the highly complex interactions between the numerous components of the relationship, but effectively this process has just begun. Baseline data, such as the associated fig wasp faunal assemblages of the majority of host figs, still remains largely unknown.
FigWeb facilitates this ongoing process of discovery and documentation.
This Scratchpads database driven version of FigWeb complements the existing html version of FigWeb available at:www.figweb.org (van Noort S & Rasplus JY, 2004-2014).
The largest tree genus in the world
The flowering plant genus Syzygium (Myrtaceae) is the largest tree genus in the world with about 1200 species distributed in the Old World tropics and subtropics. The genus is extremely poorly known, particularly in the species rich Malesian region. However, recent intensive morphological, molecular and field work is starting to improve our knowledge on the group. The aim of this website is to collate information on the genus, including field photos, specimen data, protologues, nomenclature and keys to species.
We welcome any contribution that may help to reach this ambitious goal (descriptions, photos, field observations, information on phenology, pollination, dispersal, uses, etc., but especially newly collected plant material).
If you have any question, or any contribution to offer, do not hesitate to contact us.
This scratchpad has so far been mostly populated by Chrissy Wilson (college based sandwich student 2011-12) but is in constant development by the Myrtaceae team at RBGKew to gradually classify all accepted species of Myrcia s.l. into one of ten subgeneric sections (Lucas et al., in prep.). The scratchpad currently (May, 2012) has an emphasis on the c.110 species of a subgeneric group corresponding to clade 9 of Lucas et al. (2011). The scratchpad is being developed to provide type images and protologues of those species, or links to those available online, in a single place. It is hoped that once publicised it will be a resource used and populated by any interested researcher.
To date, accepted species have been placed in an unpublished 'section', only those of 'sect. Aulomyrcia' have images and links. The classification is still rough in places and some species are only tentatively placed.
If you have arrived here via a search engine - welcome. We would value any thoughts or feedback you might have but please remember - we are not finished yet!
We gratefully acknowledge the support and assistance of all herbaria consulted for this work and for permission to image type specimens.
Myrtaceae portal |A taxonomic resource of Myrtaceae holding global information in a just place
eMyrtaceae is a portal to allow collaboration and networking among specialists and everyone interested in Myrtaceae. The intention is available an online information about systematic and biodiversity of these widespring tree family. In additional, we hope this site can be used as a collaborative and dynamic tool between researchers, students and amateur for exchange experiences and strengthen partnership.
Any contribution to improve content for this site is welcome.
Les Dombeyoideae constituent une sous famille de Malvaceae qui se trouve essentiellement en Afrique et en Asie. Notre cadre géographique dans ce Scratchpad sera l’archipel des Mascareignes où ce groupe présente une richesse exceptionnelle (95% d’espèces endémiques) et une importance écologique indéniable (structuration des forêts). Il représente par ailleurs un questionnement permanent pour les botanistes et les naturalistes qui reconnaissent que ce groupe est difficile, très mal connu, pour ne pas dire très mal compris.
Une base de connaissances Xper² a été produite précédemment par le projet BACOMAR (BAse de COnnaissances des mahots des MAscaReignes). Des données géo localisées, des informations taxonomiques et de nombreuses illustrations ont également été collectées par l’IREMIA (Institut de REcherche en Informatique et Mathématiques et leurs Applications) à l’Université de La Réunion. Ces informations sont utilisées pour renseigner le Scratchpad Dombeyoideae.
Systematics and evolution of Heliotropium and related genera. This website is dedicated to disseminate knowledge about the family Heliotropiaceae, with emphasis in Heliotropium. The family Heliotropiaceae is composed of ca. 450 species in four genera: Heliotropium, Euploca, Myriopus, and Ixorhea.
The Heliotropiaceae are cosmopolitan, with centres of diversity in tropical and subtropical zones. This website will provide information on nomenclature, taxonomy, phylogeny and aspects of evolution, as well as botanical literature concerning the Heliotropiaceae. Researchers interested in contributing to this website are welcome to join this project.
This site contains taxonomic information on the genus Lobostemon (Boraginaceae), which is endemic to southern Afica.
To learn more about the emonocot project, see emonocot.org
Mint Phylogeny Working Group
Welcome to the official research portal for the Mint Phylogeny Working Group—a global network of biodiversity scientists interested in the diversification, evolution, and historical biogeography of the mint family (Lamiaceae).
Are you interested in participating as a research collaborator or as a site contributor? Subscribe to our site using the "login" link above or click "contact us" to request more information.
A global taxonomic resource for the nightshade family
Solanaceae Source aims to provide a worldwide taxonomic monograph of the nightshade family, Solanaceae. The family is of considerable economic importance and contains species that are used as food (potatoes, tomatoes and eggplants), medicines (henbane and deadly nightshades) and in horticulture (petunias). We began this journey with the on-line monograph of all species in the mega-diverse genus Solanum. The National Science Foundation (NSF) funded the Solanum project as part of the Planetary Biodiversity Inventories (PBI) mission from 2004-2009.
In 2011 we added the names for all members of the family to the resource with the collaboration of the International Plant Names Index (IPNI), and are working through these with the help of the Solanaceae community worldwide. This increases the coverage to all 90+ genera of the family and will contribute to diverse projects such as the World Flora On-Line that is contributing the the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation. The Solanaceae Source BRAHMS database serves data on names and specimens for the website and is worked on continuously.
The website and database behind it are constantly being updated and improved - we hope you will bear with us as we both improve the site and the data that underpin it.
This website (a work in progress) is dedicated to the Convolvulaceae (Morning glories and bindweeds), a family of climbers, herbs, shrubs and occasionally trees. Fifty eight genera and an estimated 1,880 species of Convolvulaceae are currently recognised.
For an introduction to the family, click here.
You can find descriptions of genera and species using the Taxonomy tab or by using the search function at the top of the page to search for a particular taxon.
A Bibliography for the family with more than 2,250 citations can be accessed by clicking on the "Literature" tab in the menu above. An Introduction that explains how to use all the features in the Bibliography can be accessed here.
A review of secondary metabolites in the family and their contribution to taxonomy can be found here.
Pollen morphology has been an important character for classification in the family. The on-line Convolvulaceae Pollen Atlas can be accessed here.
A global revision of 189 species of Convolvulus L. The foundation monograph approach has been development by the University of Oxford.
This website was created to exchange information and collaborate among colleagues working on systematics of Boraginales.
Boraginales is a cosmopolitan plant group with around 2800 species.
- Boraginaceae s.str.
- Codonaceae
- Wellstediaceae
- Hydrophyllaceae
- Heliotropiaceae
- Ehretiaceae
- Cordiaceae
- (Lennoaceae)
- (Hoplestigmataceae)
A forum for scientific discussion on all aspects of Campanulaceae sensu latu.
The Campanulaceae is a cosmopolitan plant family comprising some 2400 species in 84 genera, divided in subfamilies Campanuloideae, Lobelioideae, Cyphioideae, Cyphocarpoideae and Nemacladoideae (according to the World Checklist and Bibliography of Campanulaceae by Tom Lammers; 2007).
This is a fascinating group of plants that has attracted the attention of researchers, amateurs and gardeners worldwide. Despite their importance as ornamentals and the many interesting aspects concerning the wild species – such as their evolution, taxonomy, pollination, anatomy, biogeography – still much remains to be studied.
The aims of the Campanulaceae Working Group are to: 1) Promote scientific interaction 2) Stimulate the exchange of material, students and researchers 3) Increase inter-disciplinarity between different fields (e.g. ecology, systematics, taxonomy, biogeography) 4) Discuss and plan joint projects and grant applications 5) Stimulate collaborative field work and reciprocal help with collection of research material 6) Join efforts into producing a species level phylogeny of the family 7) Organise meetings and workshops 8) Inform on upcoming events, recent papers and other relevant material This Working Group is open to everyone. There are no charges or commitments.
This is a fascinating group of plants that has attracted the attention of researchers, amateurs and gardeners worldwide. Despite their importance as ornamentals and the many interesting aspects concerning the wild species – such as their evolution, taxonomy, pollination, anatomy, biogeography – still much remains to be studied.
The aims of the Campanulaceae Working Group are to: 1) Promote scientific interaction 2) Stimulate the exchange of material, students and researchers 3) Increase inter-disciplinarity between different fields (e.g. ecology, systematics, taxonomy, biogeography) 4) Discuss and plan joint projects and grant applications 5) Stimulate collaborative field work and reciprocal help with collection of research material 6) Join efforts into producing a species level phylogeny of the family 7) Organise meetings and workshops 8) Inform on upcoming events, recent papers and other relevant material This Working Group is open to everyone. There are no charges or commitments.
Welcome to a revision of the 5700 species of the Heliantheae alliance
Inactive since 2010.
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